Backyard Composting: A Complete Guide

What is Backyard Composting?

Backyard composting is the process of collecting organic waste from your kitchen and/or yard, and turning it into nutrient-rich soil amendment or mulch, through natural decomposition, for your garden. This can be done in a variety of ways, the most common being by burying organic waste (like food remains, grass clippings, etc.) in a hole or container on your land.

It is an appreciable way to recycle your kitchens and/or yards of organic waste and make it into something useful again. It can also help you to lessen the quantity of waste that must be taken to a landfill.

The end product of this process, called compost, is a dark, earthy-smelling material that can be used to grow plants. Compost can be used in the home garden or larger agricultural operations, and it can produce excellent results leading to great soil structure and nutrient-rich products.

What Are The Benefits of Backyard Composting?

There are various benefits of backyard composting, including enhancing soil health, decreasing the amount of organic waste sent to landfills, and promoting biodiversity in your garden. Here are a few of the most crucial:

1) Significantly Increases Biodiversity

Composting creates a great resource that can be utilized by other organisms in your garden. This contributes to raising biodiversity and promoting the growth of rare crops which you may not find elsewhere.

2) Reduces Waste

Composting converts organic waste into compost hence reducing the amount of trash sent to landfills. This is particularly significant in a backyard location as it decreases the amount of waste you have to send to the landfill.

3) Improves Soil Health

Composting contributes to the improvement of soil health by breaking down organic waste into smaller particles that are simpler for plants to absorb. This procedure also enriches the environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria and fungi. Together, these organisms create a compost “recipe” that is ideal for producing healthy plants.

How to Do Backyard Composting?

Steps For backyard composting

Even if you don’t have the equipment or the time to go out to a different site to begin backyard composting, you can still compost in your backyard. If you follow these 8 recommendations, composting in your garden may be easy and simple:

1. Select a dry and shady area in your garden for a compost pit

To compost in your backyard, you have to select a dry and shaded area in the garden. The optimal location is near a tree or a bush. Ensure the soil is level as well as a water hose is accessible in case it rains.

Dig a hole that is approximately 2 feet deep and 4 feet wide. Create a compost pile using organic waste materials such as kitchen waste, grass clippings, and leaves. Retain this pile damp but not wet. Also, turn this pile every few weeks to ensure that the decomposition process is uniform.

2. Depending on the size of your waste, dig a pit in the ground between 1 to 3 feet deep

To compost in your garden, you must first dig a pit that is between 1 and 3 feet deep, depending on the size of the waste. Next, cover the bottom of the pit with layers of organic waste, such as kitchen waste, leaves, and grass clippings.

Ensure to that the waste is saturated with water so that it decomposes easily. Allow the compost pile to rest undisturbed for six to eight weeks for decomposition to take place. When this process is finished, simply take the completed compost and use it on your lawn or garden.

3. Spread Organic Materials on the Ground

You can add organic materials like branches, leaves, shredded paper, and grass clippings to your compost pile.

Adding organic materials to a compost pile in your garden fosters the development of beneficial bacteria and fungi, which decompose the material into nutrient-rich humus. This method enhances soil health and decreases the requirement for chemical fertilizers and/or pesticides.

When you have a quite good quantity of organic material, you may combine it with soil to make your own compost.

4. Separate wet and food waste and add them in alternate layers

Another method of composting is to separate wet and food waste and add them in alternate layers. Create a food waste pile on one side and a wet waste pile on the other. Ensure that the food and wet wastes are mixed well, and then add more layers until the pile is covered. Turn the pile every few weeks to ensure that everything is mixed up properly. By doing so, you will be able to compost with more efficiency and prevent a foul odor on your property. Composting needs organic material (leaves, food scraps, flowers, etc.), water, and air to begin.

Wet waste and dry waste are to be placed in separate piles. Food waste should be placed on the pile’s top so that they are exposed to the air. One of the simplest and easiest ways to start composting is to add alternate layers of wet waste and food waste in your container.

5. Add water to the pile to maintain moisture

To compost successfully, you must periodically add water to the pile. This maintains the pile’s moisture and prevents it from drying out. You may also add additional components, such as grass clippings or chopped leaves, to boost the nutritional content of the compost.

When composting in the backyard, ensure to pick a container that can support the pile’s weight. The ideal container for this is a large, pyramid-shaped container made from heavy plastic or concrete. Cover the container with a thick layer of sand or dirt and position it on level ground so that it does not slope toward the drain.

6. Mix the Layers

To begin backyard composting, you must first combine the layers of materials. Green, brown, and black materials make up the three primary layers of a backyard compost pile.

The green layer is the most vital layer in a compost pile as it aids to break down the food. This layer should consist of bushes, fallen leaves, and other garden debris.

The brown layer of a compost pile is the second most essential layer as it gives moisture and nutrients to the soil. This layer must consist of kitchen waste and other organic matter.

The black layer is the bottommost layer of a compost pile. This layer absorbs moisture and limits the escape of odors. This layer must include coffee grounds, bones, and other greasy waste.

7. Put soil as the Last Layer of the Compost Pile

This will assist generate a moist atmosphere ideal for the decomposition of organic matter.

You can add soil straight to your compost bin. After adding the soil, cover the compost bin with a plastic cover or a lid. Ensure that the compost is moist but not drenched or wet, and let it undisturbed for 2 weeks.

8. Compost will be ready in Two Months For Smaller Amounts of Waste and up to One Year for Larger Quantities

Composting in your backyard is an excellent method to decrease your organic waste and, at the same time, improve your garden without the use of chemical fertilizers.

It takes around two months for the compost to be ready for smaller amounts of waste, and up to a year for larger quantities.

There are a few things you required for proper backyard composting. You will need organic matter, a container, and water.

The containers for backyard composting can be bought from local garden centers or online.

Ideas For Backyard Composting At Home

Backyard Composting is an excellent method to decrease waste and enhance your vegetation. There are various different ways to do it. Here, below, I am giving you a few ideas that can help to do backyard composting at home:

1) Pallet Compost Bin

A pallet compost bin is a unique composting container that is used to compost things that are difficult or impossible to compost in a normal backyard compost pile.

Typically, these bins are constructed of heavy plastic and are big enough to hold a large quantity of material.

2) Trash Can Compost Bin

A trash can compost bin is an excellent method to decrease waste and aid in recycling. It is simple to install and use.

In this container, you can gather all the food leftovers and other decomposable things, which are thrown away. This makes it a brilliant method for reducing the quantity of waste sent to landfills.

3) Wire Fence Compost Bin

A wire fence compost bin is one of the easiest and most effective methods to create your own compost. This bin enables air and moisture to move freely, hence accelerating decomposition.

But, ensure to maintain a clean environment surrounding your compost bin to prevent attracting pests or infections.

4) Wooden Compost Bin

A wooden compost bin is an excellent method for composting food waste. As compared to metal or plastic bins, wooden compost bins will not corrode over time and are earth-friendly.

Additionally, a wooden compost bin can also be customized according to your particular needs. For instance, you may choose a wooden compost bin with an integrated soaking space for wet food waste, or you may build a door for easy access to the compost material.

5) Tote Compost Bin

The Tote compost bin is a brilliant method to divert organic waste from your normal garbage container.

These bins are simple to build, and there is no need to worry about lifting or loading them with large materials. You just simply set the bin next to your garbage container and start adding your organic waste.

6) Plastic Storage Container Compost Bin

A Plastic Storage Container Compost Bin is a brilliant method to recycle plastic storage containers.

This compost bin is made from high-density polyethylene so that it can support a large amount of weight. The container’s lid fits firmly, allowing you to keep your compost clean and fresh.

7) Straw Bale Compost Bin

A Straw Bale compost bin is a brilliant method to compost organic waste. This sort of compost bin is constructed with bales of straw. The straw bales perform as a filter, capturing the small particles in the waste during their decomposition.

This style of compost bin is incredibly simple to assemble and can be accomplished by anybody with basic carpentry skills.

8) Dig-and-Drop Composting

Dig-and-Drop composting is another excellent method for recycling organic matter. Simply pile the stuff, cover it with soil, and water it.

Over time, the organic matter will decompose and provide the soil with nutrients. This process is far quicker than the conventional composting method, making it ideal for smaller quantities of waste.

9) DIY Compost Tumbler

A DIY compost tumbler is another excellent way to start composting. It requires no external inputs and is simple to set up.

A container that can store a lot of compost and a motor that can turn the compost is all that is required. These tumblers are available online and at local hardware stores.

10) Trench Composting

Trench composting is a method of composting that uses trenches to reduce the composting temperature. This aids the organic matter to decompose faster, making it a useful option for those who want to compost quickly. Composting in trenches provides additional advantages. Like, it is:

  • Easy to turn the compost pile


Backyard composting is the greatest method to guarantee an ample supply of nutrient-rich, organic compost for your houseplants and garden. By generating your own compost, you will not only save money but also enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing precisely what goes into your garden as fertilizer.

Although backyard composting may first seem difficult, there is nothing enigmatic about it. Your all organic waste will naturally decompose into compost; however, by gaining a deeper knowledge of this process, you can learn how to use it to generate your own compost fast and effectively.

Whether you choose a cold compost or hot compost method for your kitchen and yard waste, composting gives you incomparable advantages. In addition, to enrich your garden soil and fosters the growth of larger, stronger plants, you will also make significant strides towards an eco-friendly house and a better world by backyard composting.


1) Setting up Backyard Composting

2) Backyard Composting – Utilities |

3) Backyard Composting – New Mexico State University

4) Backyard Composting of Yard, Garden, and Food Discards

5) Smart Gardening – Backyard Composting

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5) What To Compost & What Not To Compost: A Complete Guide

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